Thursday, May 16, 2019


1.I had been privately cautioned not to work for UCR's project
2.on interviewing Native Oaxacans because it could one day used in a bad light. However I was so innocent that
4.though I had already survived the dungeons of the system
5.with its predator professors, I still held onto my belief in the
6.system. But now I see that the situation grew from my ten
7.little fingers. I alone am the foundation of so many of the
8.worst actor's benefits and salaries. They have chopped my
9.writing for their grants, bedfellows, positions and hype. I 
10.have so many of them who have leaned on me as a 

11.writing teacher, already overworked, to spare their lives

12.and careers. It would often take me about 30 minutes to I teach a highly pliant form of instruction that makes
14. my students sound like an expert overnight

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